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Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust
Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust
Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust
Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust
Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust
Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust
Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust
Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust

Sigrunn The Viking 1:10 Bust

  • Sigrunn is a member of an elite marine corps, called V.I.K.I.N.G.S, taking part in special operations on alien, hostile planets against threats no one else wants to face.
209,12 PLN
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Sigrunn from V.I.K.I.N.G.S

Sigrunn from V.I.K.I.N.G.S

Sigrunn is a member of an elite marine corps called V.I.K.I.N.G.S. She is a cold-blooded professional who participates in special operations on alien, hostile planets. Oh, did we forget to mention her near 100% effectiveness?

Sigrunn is not a very talkative, but rather a ‘death stare’ type of person. She has seen (and been in) a lot of impossible situations but always managed to claw her way out of them. Her last assignment on the planet Liftenheim can serve as an excellent example: her squad was sent to take care of the space pirates disrupting the supply chains in the sector. Unfortunately, their dropship was seriously damaged and crashed in the lush jungle covering the planet. The mission was classified as a failure, and the entire team was presumed dead. That was until Sigrunn returned, after a month in the wild on her own, with the pirates’ heads stuck in a bag made out of some ferocious animal.

Sigrunn’s squad members often describe her as someone who ‘just doesn’t know when to die properly.’ Although this is more thanks to her exceptional training and relentlessness, it is possible that she has acquired the gods’ favor and is destined for greatness during the Ragnarok.

Collectible Bust

From the Midguard universe, this collectible bust is limited to 200 copies. Each box contains a miniature and authentication certificate with the number of the copy.

  • Scale: 1:10
  • Material: resin
  • The bust is sold unpainted and unassembled.


Marin Grzegorzek and Artur Szymala

Concept Art

Anna Jarmolowska


Andreo Magno

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