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The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - The Two Towers Saga Expansion

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - The Two Towers Saga Expansion

289,90 PLN
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Bezpieczne zakupy
The Fellowship has broken. During a fateful confrontation at Amon Hen, large Orcs bearing the White Hand of Saurman attacked the company, and in the chaos some members were captured, others killed. Now, Aragorn and the remainder of the Fellowship must let Frodo travel to Mordor while they pursue the Orcs that captured their friends. Experience the next chapter of the journey to destroy the One Ring in The Two Towers Saga Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! This expansion contains six scenarios that recreate the adventures featured in the second part of the legendary The Lord of the Rings saga. You’ll also find over 50 hero and player cards, which can be used to build or enhance your decks for any The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game scenario or campaign! Note: For longtime fans of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, this expansion combines all of the contents from The Treason of Saruman and The Land of Shadow. If you already own those two expansions, you will not find any new cards or content in this product.
Kod producenta
Wersja językowa
Liczba graczy
Czas gry
ok 60 minut
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